The End of 2020

I do not think I have ever been so happy to see the end of a year than I am to see the tail end of this one. Not that I am looking 2021 in the eye or trying to annoy 2021 in any way, shape, or form… gosh forbid we piss this upcoming year in the course last year came off like. Maybe this coming year could be less on fire, plague-ridden, doom scrolling, house locked, and ever other horrible things like 2020.

There were some positives in 2020. I have gotten published more. Spent a lot of time inside and seen way too much on Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, and other streaming services. Found out my brother can have phone conversations that last longer than a few minutes. Talked to people I haven’t in years and learned all about the joys of video calls to keep in contact with people, and I used a lot more of my unlimited phone calls and texting than I thought I would. I am grateful I have the technology to keep in contact with my friends and family worldwide to make sure everyone is holding up, and they can be given these difficult times and surviving. Celebrating our wins when we have them like friends having babies, getting news pets, publishing new books, or just not going ultimately bat shit crazy. Or even just to say Hi, we are surviving the madness. Not everything has been fantastic. People I know and love have had the virus. Thankfully most have made it through without too many horrific side effects so far. Maybe next year, I might get to see some people again in person, but I hope everyone stays safe and sound inside until then. Read more.

Devoured by Gluttony is part of an Alpha Romance group:

And my newest novella will be out in February of 2021 in Once Upon A Brothers Grimm

December 2020

We can see the end of 2020, finally. I am so glad to see the end. It is nearly here. I thought I would get out of this year without it going completely downhill. I think I got cocky, and then 2020 noticed me. It saw me getting excited that it was nearly done, I was happy to make it out of this year without too much going to shit, and it came to crack me upside the head literally… Ok, I slipped on ice, fell on the cement-like cartoon character to give myself a nasty concussion. Then I decided after vertigo, swimming feeling, and nausea. I was fine to get up and fall again to start my seizures. (I have epilepsy too. This was the start of a very long week. of tests, more RX’s, an ER/ urgent care room for a CAT scan with no brain bleeding, just swelling, and many doctors call for the stupid, stupid concussion.) This made for a long weekend, with my family going through other medical drama on top of it. (My brother in Washington now has the virus that shan’t be named but seems to be OK for now and better darn well stays that way…) My dad has driving my mom and me around with my husband doing mass cooking since I was in the middle of edits through this mess. I learned I NEVER want to do edits with a concussion ever again. It wasn’t easy and man, my computer screen liked to swim after like 20 minutes of looking at it. I have no idea what professional sports athletes at thinking when they are like, let’s go with their concussions. I did get the edits out for Earth Invasion 2020, and it is live on many platforms. I will share below. I am proud I got to help write and edits this quickly. It was an adventure. Also, I got to set my part of the Sci-Fi story in White Sands, New Mexico.

But Earth Invasion 2020 is available!

Universal Link  — It is available across many different platforms, not just Amazon, and paperbacks will be available soon!

Busy Writer

Thankfully I am back to semi-human feeling and able to dive into my writing project. My edits are nearly done for my Fairytale Retelling coming out this February 2021. I have more projects coming out all through 2021 and I have started booking for 2022 and 2023. It is incredible that I have begun this writing journey and so happy I can share my writing with everyone. 

Amazon Link for Once Upon a Brothers Grimm

At the end of December, one of my shorts is in Extreme Drabbles of Dread, which is a very dark Horror. 

Amazon link for Extreme Drabbles of Dread