Mid-January 2021

It’s Still January

It is somehow still January 2021, this month seems to be moving slowly. I guess that is a good thing, depending on a point a view. Somehow we are not completely on fire. (Please 2021 don’t take that as a challenge.)

I have been living and breathing in my writing cave for many new projects for this year. I have a few projects out on deck and coming soon, woo hoo there.

Free books for mid-January to help us through this month! Please feel free to share with others!

Once Upon a Brother Grimm Anthology, this will be out on February 18, 2021 – my story is Cursed Flowers. Based on the fairy tales of Snow White and Rose Red retold in modern setting with the girls cursed in to a high school dealing with modern problems. They are also still hunted by the dwarf of the story and cursed to relive their lives until they can break their curse, near are happy and searching for answers.

This is my first YA story which also deals with LGBTQIA with one of the characters in a high school setting and bullying.

January 2021

So far January of 2021 has been… chaotic in America. Let’s hope the rest of it gets better…

This month, Devoured by Gluttony is part of new Urban Fantasy books of 2021. I know it came out last year but is still part of newer books for 2021. This year I have a lot of new books and novella coming out and can’t wait to share with everyone. In February my first YA retelling of a Fairy Tale is coming out.